Rock N’ Roll Band


Logo usage

The Concept

The idea for the logo is to reflect psychedelia and the band’s Israeli origin.

The letters “A” are implied; only the consonants are visible, as is the case in the Hebrew language where vowels are not written.

The undulating movement of the logo suggests the psychedelic aspect. The overlapping letters allow for a play between positive and negative space, with the vowels suggested in negative.

The Concept

The concept for the logo is to reflect psychedelia and the band’s Israeli origin.

The letters “A” are implied; only the consonants are visible, as is the case in the Hebrew language where vowels are not written.

The undulating movement of the logo suggests the psychedelic aspect. The overlapping letters allow for a play between positive and negative space, with the vowels suggested in negative.

Mamashkanta Rock N Roll band
Mamashkanta logo

Primary  Color
HEXA #000000
RGB 0 | 0 | 0
CMYK  66 | 66 | 66 | 100 

Primary Color
RGB  255 |  255 |  255
CMYK 0 | 0 | 0 | 0

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