Design of An Art Exhibition​

For this project, an entire graphic language was developed based on the concept of the exhibition ‘What I Brought from Uruguay,’ with the hashtag #loquemetrajedeuruguay as the main element.

Collaborating with the client, we selected the artwork that would complement the exhibition, taking a specific detail from it and using it as a pattern.

By adapting and incorporating this pattern, we successfully created the entire visual concept for the exhibition.

Design of An Art Exhibition​

For this project, an entire graphic language was developed based on the concept of the exhibition ‘What I Brought from Uruguay,’ with the hashtag #loquemetrajedeuruguay as the main element.

Collaborating with the client, we selected the artwork that would complement the exhibition, taking a specific detail from it and using it as a pattern.

By adapting and incorporating this pattern, we successfully created the entire visual concept for the exhibition.


Logo UY ES
Logo UY HE

Primary Color
RGB 232 |219 | 199
CMYK 11 | 14 | 24 | 0

Secondary Color
HEXA #09324C
RGB 9 | 50 | 76
CMYK 100| 75 | 43 | 43




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